Antenatal Visits
Usually around 5-8 weeks, booking appointment with your GP. Routine antenatal investigations, including bloods, urine, dating ultrasound.
10-13 weeks: booking appointment with your Obstetrician or Hospital. First trimester screening, including early ultrasound.
14-18 weeks: discussion of results, request for morphology scan at 18-21 weeks
21 weeks: to discuss scan results, and specific follow-up planning if needed.
24-25 weeks: Only for primiparous women
28 weeks: Review after 28-week bloods, which includes diabetes in pregnancy test (glucose tolerance test)
31-32 weeks: Mainly for primiparous women
34 weeks: Routine visit for all pregnant women; request for 36-week investigations given.
36 weeks: Routine visit for all pregnant women. Results discussed if done.
38 weeks: Routine visit for all pregnant women
40 weeks: Mainly for primiparous women
41 weeks: If pregnancy has progressed to 41 weeks, discussion and planning for delivery (for ‘post-dates’ or ‘prolonged’ pregnancy) is made.